FilmLight develops unique colour grading systems, image processing applications and workflow tools.


Baselight Editions Downloads


Free Licence Now Available

Find out how to use Baselight Editions in Avid or Nuke to read and render grades for free in our Quick Reference Guide:

Quick Reference

You’ll find manuals for the full versions of Baselight Editions in our Document Library.

One Licence, Multiple Editions

If you want access to the power of Baselight within a host of different applications, there is no need to buy multiple licences. So long as the applications are installed on the same system, purchase one licence in the Baselight Editions range and you get access to both Avid and Nuke Editions on that machine.

BLG for Flame is available as a separate subscription licence.


Baselight for NUKE
Separate installers for Nuke 13, 15 and 15. Note there are separate installers on Windows for each individual point-version of Nuke.
Baselight for Avid
Requires Media Composer/Symphony, see compatibility.
BLG for Flame

Standard Flame workstation (Linux CentOS/Rocky 8 or later, or macOS),
running Flame 2025 or earlier. CentOS/Rocky 7 is no longer supported.

Nuke 15 – 6.0.22298

macOS (15.0 – 15.2)Linux (15.0 – 15.2)Windows (15.0)Windows (15.1)
Windows (15.2)

Nuke 14 – 6.0.21034

macOS (NUKE 14.0 & 14.1)Linux (NUKE 14.0 & 14.1)Windows (NUKE 14.0)Windows (NUKE 14.1)

Nuke 13 – 6.0.21033

macOS (NUKE 13.0-13.2)Linux (NUKE 13.0-13.2)Windows (NUKE 13.0)Windows (NUKE 13.1)Windows (NUKE 13.2)

Version: 6.0.22097

macOS (Avid)Windows (Avid)

Version: 6.0.21310

Linux (Flame)macOS (Flame)

Version: 5.3.21108

Linux (Flame)macOS (Flame)


Floating Licence Server

If you are using Baselight Editions with a floating licence server, you must also have one of the following:
– Mac server running macOS 10.14 or later
– Linux server running RHEL/CentOS 5 or later

The server installation packages can be downloaded below.

Release notes





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