
The Unbroken Sky Owl Pushing Dead 7 Prisoners Toyota

Meet The Colourist

Chris Martin

Colourist, Mission Film & Design, San Francisco

Chris has been a colourist for the last 20+ years, based out of the San Francisco Bay Area. He has balanced his commercial and music video work with his love for narrative and documentary projects. His credits include Fruitvale Station (2013), Songs My Brother Taught Me (2015), and 7 Prisoners (2021).

Along the way, Chris has collaborated withfilmmakers Ryan Coogler, Rachel Morrison, Chloé Zao, Alexandre Moratto and Francis Ford Coppola.

Since 2016, Chris has been part of the team at Mission Film and Design (MFD).

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Tell us about your journey to becoming a successful colourist?

I was a History major in college when I took my first photography class. I was immediately hooked, going into the university dark room at night and not realising it was morning until I came out. Later, I wound up as a PA at a post facility thinking I wanted to be an editor. They had a telecine and colour grading system and I was drawn to how the craft combined the elements of the dark room with working from film, while being this bridge between production and post-production.

Can you tell us more about Mission Film and Design?

Mission Film and Design (MFD) is a boutique shop right along the water near the historic Ferry Building in San Francisco. Our focus is colour grading, so we collaborate with a wide range of creative entities who are looking for a grading partner. Being in a relatively small market, what I love most is that I get to work on so many different types of projects. I can go from working with agency creatives one day, to grading a Sundance bound film the next.

How long have you been grading on Baselight?

I have been on Baselight now for five years. It was easy to fall in love with all the grading tools. Everything is so well thought out and designed. Base Grade is a great example. It is the first primary grading tool I have used which allows for such natural control over the zone system. We were also drawn to FilmLight’s colour science and colour management. As a boutique, we do not have the luxury of having a colour scientist on staff. FilmLight has filled that role for us.

We definitely had our eye on more complex workflows too, such as HDR and Dolby Vision, when we added Baselight. The first time I graded for Dolby Vision was for the Netflix film 7 Prisoners, directed by Alexandre Moratto. That project was a big first for us and working on Baselight provided both the creative and technical backbone I needed.

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If you want to participate in our MTC programme, we'd love to hear from you. Contact:

Alexa Maza
e: [email protected]



“Being offered a new tool that is both functional while elevating the grade isn’t something that happens every day.

For me, X Grade is both of these things.”



Colourist: Chris Martin
Role: Colourist, Mission Film & Design
Web: Mission Film & Design

Baselight colourists & creatives

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