
Yearly Archives: 2019

Graded on Baselight : The Mule

Facility:  Technicolor L.A
Colourist: Maxine Gervais
Release date: 14 December 2018

At 88-year-old, Clint Eastwood release a second movie this year called ‘The Mule’.

A 90-year-old horticulturist and Korean War veteran is caught transporting $3 million worth of … Continue reading →

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Graded on Baselight : Black Mirror : Bandersnatch

Facility:  Technicolor Post
Colourist: Jean-Clement Soret
Release date: 28 December 2018

Netflix Takes Interactive Storytelling to the Next Level With ‘Black Mirror: Bandersnatch’

In 1984, a young programmer begins to question reality as he works to adapt a … Continue reading →

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