
An exercise in precision: Cutting Edge’s Xtreme sport spot for Subaru Japan


In a high energy campaign designed to push the Subaru XV’s sporty features and image, Cutting Edge recently overcame a mountain of creative and technical challenges, including the need to be millimetre perfect from pre-vis to shoot, right through to the finished product.

The result is a stunning spot that features extreme sportsmen plying their craft on the surface of the Subaru XV: BMX riders flip tricks on the car’s tyres; snowboarders carve their way down the snow bound windscreen; kitesurfers draw deep lines on the water filled rear screen and then launch into the sky.

The spot was graded by Justin McDonald on Baselight.

Watch the ‘making of’ below.

[vimeo 68270604 w=500]


And you can see the finished product here.

[vimeo 68195230 w=500]


Read more here.


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