
Graded on Baselight : The Black Book

Facility:  Light Film
Colourist: Paulo Ines
Release date: 3 October 2018 (France)

FilmLight created a special look for this Portuguese movie, called the ‘BiPack look’. After the success of this look scene, FilmLight decided to add it to his scene looks in his new version Baselight 5.2.

Paulo Ines stated : ‘I feel very happy and honoured about it, thank you so much Daniele and Filmlight Team for making it easier for me in this particular project’.

The story of the adventures, in the twilight of the eighteenth century, of a singular couple formed by a little orphan with mysterious origins and his young Italian nurse of a similarly uncertain birth. They lead us in their wake, from Rome to Paris, from Lisbon to London, from Parma to Venice. Always followed in the shadows, for obscure reasons, by a suspicious-looking Calabrian and a troubling cardinal, they make us explore the dark intrigues of the Vatican, the pangs of a fatal passion, a gruesome duel, banter at the court of Versailles and the convulsions of the French Revolution.

Watch the trailer now :





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