FilmLight develops unique colour grading systems, image processing applications and workflow tools.


Free training and colour workshops at Baselight Week London. June 27-29

Join us for free training and colour workshops at Baselight Week London

June 27-29, 2022
Dolby Screening Room London

FilmLight invites you to a special week of colour workshops at the private Dolby Screening Room in London.

Our three courses, which include an exclusive ‘Baselight 6 Sneak Peak’ day, cover the fundamentals of colour grading, colour spaces and media management in Baselight.

You’ll find more information about the content of the sessions below.

Register here »

Monday June 27: Conform & Assist *
10:30am to 5pm

For colour assistants, conform artists and online editors working on any grading system or starting on Baselight.

In this hands-on training, we will walk you through a project from initial conform to final rendering. Along the way, we will deal with special challenges like:

  • Speed effects
  • Split screens
  • Multi-pasting existing grades
  • Compositing titles
  • Inserting VFX

Tuesday June 28: EXCLUSIVE Baselight 6 Sneak Peak and Intro to Baselight Streaming
10am to 12pm OR 2pm to 4pm

The FilmLight team will discuss the gains in productivity and creativity that Baselight 6 will bring to you.

This will include a walkthrough of the major tools that our R&D team has been working on since we last caught up with you.

Wednesday June 29: Switching to Baselight*
10:00am to 5pm

For colourists working on any grading system who want to learn Baselight.

We will discuss the basic grading toolset and general concepts of the software.

This course will help you translate existing skills to quickly become fluent on Baselight and avoid common pitfalls when progressing from any other colour grading software.

Exclusive Q&A with Senior Colourist Dan Moran. Bristol/London.

Register here »

* Note…

Lunch: 1-2pm (we can provide a list of places nearby)

On Monday 27 and Wednesday 29, you must bring a laptop compatible with Baselight STUDENT, FilmLight’s software-only macOS application developed for training purposes. Baselight STUDENT will be used during the day for practice sessions.

Registrants will be sent a software licence and media package before the course.

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