
Creativity and color tools. Toronto. 30 May 2024

Join Alter Ego and FilmLight for an exclusive afternoon focusing on creativity and color tools – followed by drinks at The Ruby Soho Bar.

Thursday 30th May, from 2:30PM
Hosted by Alter Ego
488 Wellington St W, Toronto, Canada

Register here for the presentations »

Happy Hour from 5pm onwards
The Ruby Soho Bar
587 King Street West, Toronto, Canada

Register here for the drinks »


See Baselight’s latest features

Hear how Alter Ego’s Supervising Colorist and Partner, Wade Odlum, used the vast color toolset of Baselight on the ROM commercial, Immortal. This will be followed by a preview of the upcoming Baselight 6.1 features from FilmLight.

Discuss Machine Learning for color

With a lot of questions around new Machine Learning toolsets available for colorists, FilmLight’s Daniele Siragusano examines some of the latest tools and techniques in the context of grading high-end motion pictures.

Which tools go the extra mile to satisfy our critical, skilled eyes? In this discussion, he will compare the quality of different Machine Learning models and algorithms with regard to image quality and processing time.

Discover Nara, fresh from its launch at NAB

Join Canada’s first demonstration of Nara – a revolutionary new media tool, providing instant access to media from anywhere in the world.

Nara speeds up and simplifies collaborative tasks such as progress reviews, approval and compliance processes – designed for use by in-house producers, post-production supervisors, and engineering and data managers to quickly access footage without tying up the creative team.

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