FilmLight develops unique colour grading systems, image processing applications and workflow tools.


Baselight v2 Colour Grading System Announced

NAB demonstrations feature Baselight v2 packed full of new features and performance improvements

FilmLight, pioneers of digital film technology, announced Baselight v2, the newest release of its Digital Intermediate film grading and finishing system. Featuring capabilities resulting from the feedback of 20 of the world’s top film labs, post-production facilities and visual effects companies, Baselight v2 addresses a broad range of workflows, adds creative tools, and improves speed and usability.

New Creative and Usability Tools Open Digital Grading to a Broad Range of Users

Creative features, interface enhancements, and processing improvements include:

  • Integrated support for HD
    Baselight now enables HD ingest, playout and previews from multiple grades on a timeline, enabling users to address the requirements of both film grading and HD deliverables and mastering.
  • Gallery and cut views
    Colourists can store, review, and re-use different grades, saving time by using immediate visual cues. They can also view strips in the timeline as images, easing navigation.
  • Tracker
    An advanced tracking algorithm enables simple, rapid tracking of shapes to image features. With controls for forward and backward tracking, and easy manipulation of track data, Baselight’s tracker automates keyframe animation, making this common operation easy and intuitive.
  • A new gestural interface capability
    Colourists can now choose to control the on-screen image using a pen and tablet, enabling them to concentrate on the image rather than switching their attention to another monitor or physical device. With a variety of interface options, users can interact with Baselight in the manner which is most comfortable for them.
  • Pan and Scan
    Baselight deals elegantly with multiple format mastering requirements, dealing with formats, colour spaces and aspect ratios through a flexible system of resolution templates. Baselight’s automated pan and scan can convert between formats, or the interactive pan and scan tool provides full user control.
  • New playback options
    Baselight v2 now supports a range of real time playback options up to 2K.
  • Forthcoming support for Speed-FX
    FilmLight is showing how Baselight can deliver real-time interactive colour grading at 4K resolution using the Speed-FX technology also announced and shown for the first time at NAB.

FilmLight’s Commercial Director, Peter Stothart, said, “With Baselight directors and directors of photography have enormous freedom to use the same controls they have been used to with colour timing, or to go far beyond, extending creativity in ways that are otherwise not possible. They can take control of their movie again, and achieve the exact look they wanted to shoot.”

Demonstrations of the Baselight grading process at FilmLight’s booth feature Adam Glassman, the senior colourist who used Baselight’s creative tools to grade Anthony Minghella’s “Cold Mountain” at London’s Framestore-CFC.


FilmLight is taking orders for Baselight v2, with delivery expected in 60 days.

Contact – Deepa Parbhoo ([email protected]) +44 20 7292 0400

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