FilmLight develops unique colour grading systems, image processing applications and workflow tools.


Venezuela’s Bolivar Films Brings FilmLight’s Baselight to South America

Caracas Post Production House Implements Baselight and Truelight in Digital Intermediate Pipeline

Bolivar Films, a full service film and video production company based in Caracas, Venezuela, has become the first company in South America to acquire FilmLight’s Baselight ONE colour grader and Truelight colour management system. The company plans to employ Baselight and Truelight in its Digital Intermediate (DI) pipeline to support grading for feature films, documentaries and other film-based projects. The system which is capable of handling files up to 2K in real time resolution will also support SD and HD workflows for grading television commercials and programs. Bolivar Films already has three grading projects lined up for Baselight, which became operational this month.

Colour grading is a new service for Bolivar Films, which operates a 4-floor, standalone facility and has more than 50 employees. “We wanted a colour grader that fully supports film output,” said Bolivar Films General Manager Luis Guillermo Villegas. “We evaluated three software-based colour graders and chose Baselight because of its features and FilmLight’s excellent reputation—and because it implements Truelight colour management. Our research convinced us that Truelight is the best CMS available and clearly superior to anything offered by other companies in our market.”

The system is being installed in a purpose-built suite, where grading will be performed to a Truelight-calibrated CRT monitor. Bolivar Films has also added a Truelight-calibrated screening room, equipped with digital and film projectors and a 30-foot projection screen capable of supporting A/B butterfly tests.

The company’s DI resources also include a film recorder for output to 35mm film. Additionally, the DI pipeline is directly linked to the company’s film laboratory, editorial, visual effects and audio post production facilities.

“Our goal in acquiring Baselight and Truelight is to complete our DI services with the best colour grading system available and perfectly calibrated monitors and projection systems,” Villegas said. “Adding Baselight to our existing laboratory and sound services means we can now offer our clients a complete solution for finishing their film and video projects.”

Contact – Deepa Parbhoo ([email protected]) +44 20 7292 0400

About Bolivar Films

Bolívar Films, based in Caracas, Venezuela, has more than 65 years of experience in the production and post-production of television commercials, documentaries, short films, feature films, television programs and corporate media. The company has a talented and highly experienced team as well as the latest technology, which allows it to consistently deliver excellence while competing in one of the world’s most demanding markets.
Contact—Luis Guillermo Villegas ([email protected]) +58 212 285 9047
Contact—Jorge Jacko ([email protected]) +58 212 283 2653

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