Facility: Film@59
Colourist: Adam Inglis
Release date: 29 October 2017 (UK)
David Attenborough returns to the world’s oceans in this sequel to the acclaimed documentary filming rare and unusual creatures of the deep, as well as documenting the problems our oceans face.
In an interview for IBC, the colourist Adam Inglis talks about the challenges he faced: “Grading underwater footage is one of the hardest things a colourist can do. Colour, contrast and brightness are all highly variable depending on how much water you’re shooting through and its clarity and depth. And the deeper you go the less coloured light there is to work with: the first to go is red, then green and finally blue.”
(Read more about the interview here: https://www.ibc.org/production/making-the-grade-the-post-production-of-blue-planet-2/2499.article )
Watch the trailer now :