FilmLight develops unique colour grading systems, image processing applications and workflow tools.


postPerspective: FilmLight at IBC2014

From Randi Altman’s postPerspective – read Chris Ryan (Nice Shoes) on FilmLight’s offering at IBC2014…

IBC Blog: color grading, end to end post, more

By Chris Ryan


Nice Shoes currently uses FilmLight’s Baselight system for color grading, so we went to their booth first to touch base on new products and to get a feel for where they’re heading in the future.

Their big product this year is the Daylight (main photo), which allows users to have access to Baselight’s amazing color science technology without having to invest in a full Baselight system. It’s pretty much a Baselight without a timeline. It’s being marketed as FilmLight’s on-set grading solution, which works in tandem with their FLIP hardware as well as their new Baselight Remote UI software. I was talking to the devs about other possible applications for Daylight beyond on-set grading, such as its use as a versioning tool. It seems to have a lot of potential.

daylight from Filmlight

FLIP has been around for a bit and allows for the application of LUTs and color grades directly to the output of the camera during a production, so looks can be previewed using the power of a Baselight right on the set. It allows for the creation of BLG files (Baselight Grade Files), which can be used to share grades with everything from a full-blown Baselight system to the Baselight plug-ins for Avid, etc.

The Baselight Remote UI is a slick looking piece of software that runs on an iPad. It’s currently designed to control the FLIP, but FilmLight already has plans to open up the UI so it can be used for other products like the Baselight or to act as a remote viewing platform. It’s very polished looking and easy to use, and I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy.

Chris Ryan is a colorist and partner at New York City’s Nice Shoes.


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