LED Light Source
The scanner illumination bulb is the only part of your scanner that you need to replace regularly. Northlight now offers you the option of an LED light source as a drop-in replacement for the standard metal halide lamp.
The LED light source provides the same illumination level as the standard lamp but with a much lower power consumption. It also has the advantage of a very long lifespan - based on the LEDs used, it will last for 3+ years of continuous scanner use.
The LED light source is available on both Northlight 1 and Northlight 2 scanners, and can also be purchased as an upgrade to existing scanners.
As the spectral weighting of the LEDs is different to your previous light source, we also deliver the LEDs with a calibration film that matches your existing colour response. This can also be used to match the colour response to any other target values if other colour spaces are desired.

Laminar Airflow Unit
The Northlight scanner can optionally be supplied with a Laminar airflow unit. The airflow unit sits on a standing framework on the floor or it can be suspended from the ceiling.

16mm option
Film scanning becomes a viable alternative to telecine transfer with the 16mm option for Northlight, providing superb, dual-pin registered stability and up to 4K resolution. Scanning at the highest quality captures the full detail available on the latest 16mm stocks, enabling both the best fidelity in terms of HD transfers and digital 35mm blow-up for theatrical release.
With a format changeover and setup of a few minutes, Northlight caters for all common stocks.